Library Organized a National Seminar on “Handling URKUND Original”, in May 03, 2023 at P.G.D.A.V College Morning
P.G.D.A.V. College, University of Delhi, in one day "National Workshop on Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism: Handling URKUND Ouriginal". The workshop was in Hybrid mode connecting participants from different parts of the country. The overwhelming response of the faculty members, interaction with the professionals made the session knowledge sharing in real sense..
National Workshop on Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism: Handling URKUND Original P.G.D.A.V College Morning.
Library Organized a National Seminar on “Understanding Research Metrics for Better Academic Visibility”, in Sept 24, 2021 at P.G.D.A.V College
पी.जी.डीएवी कॉलेज में कार्यशाला आयोजित.